
Process Improvement / Cost Reduction

“You cannot cure symptoms; you can only solve problems.”

Jim approaches process improvement and troubleshooting by working systematically to separate symptoms from problems — then to map out what is “known” from what is “assumed” and needs to be confirmed.

Utilizing time-proven methodologies and well-honed instincts, Jim cuts through the clutter surrounding challenging issues to find true sources of problems.

“When issues arise, people too often assume too much,” Jim notes. “Facts, often, are not in evidence. So, it is important to quickly identify what is known, find the right procedure to gather critical information, and fill in knowledge gaps.

“I work with clients to accurately identify and succinctly state the root problem, which then can trigger rapid solutions as everyone applies focus using actual knowledge of the package, process, or technology.

“And, I leverage relationships with integral suppliers to increase the level of skill applied to solving the root problem.

“For example, when I approach light-weighting, I do so with the knowledge that lighter does not have to mean weaker. I often work with the suppliers to assure that lightweight designs perform as well or better than older, heavier designs.”

With that operating philosophy in action, Jim’s work on The Coca Cola Company’s iconic glass bottle packages made them simultaneously 50% stronger, 20% lighter and 20% less expensive. While these changes passed virtually unnoticed by consumers, they affected millions of packages and generated strong operational efficiencies and cost savings throughout worldwide operations.

Jim’s experience developing closures and managing Coca-Cola’s global package testing lab provides a firm foundation for optimizing, evaluating and troubleshooting the entire packaging system. This includes the relationships between all packaging components.

Contact Global Innovation Professionals

For more information about how Jim Goldman and Global Innovation Professionals can help you solve today’s problems and/or plan for a strong future, contact us at your earliest convenience.

Let’s examine together where you are and where you want to go!


Contact us today

1000 Old Still Road
Greensboro, GA 30642

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